
SEO Mistakes That Could Affect Your Real Estate Rankings

There’s no doubt that the real estate industry is truly a competitive field. Because of this, it only makes sense to integrate strong marketing techniques to ensure that your firm stays on top of the game. However, seeing as no company is perfect, you may bump into some SEO mistakes that could affect your overall rankings. 

For this reason, it’s best to familiarize yourself with these issues, so you can avoid them and ensure that you remain the leaders in your field.

Of course, it’s worth mentioning that you should work with a digital marketing company to ensure that you’re integrating the right SEO techniques and practices that could reel in huge numbers into your company. 

With their expertise, they’ll be able to dodge common mistakes, allowing you to remain competitive in a saturated landscape.

The Different SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

Mistake #1: Buying Links

Without a doubt, one of the biggest mistakes that a multitude of real estate firms are making is the act of purchasing links. You see, purchasing links may seem like a “quick fix,” but this can actually end up hurting your business in the long run.

You see, Google is constantly working to prevent SEO companies from purchasing links, mainly because they’re not confident in the product or service being sold. Google has made it clear that they won’t be ranking the sites that purchase these links in the SERPs.

Mistake #2: Duplicating Your Content

One of the biggest mistakes that companies make is that they duplicate their content. While this may sound like the right thing to do, this could actually do more damage than good.

The reason behind this has to do with Google’s ability to determine which site is the most authentic. If a website appears to be duplicating its content, then it’s possible that Google is not trusting them. In turn, this could hurt your online rankings.

Mistake #3: Stuffing Too Many Keywords

While you may think that stuffing keywords into your content is the best way to rank high, this isn’t actually the case. The fact of the matter is that Google will recognize this, and it could lower your ranking. 

As such, it’s important that you avoid this and ensure that your content is read-worthy and appealing to your audience.

Mistake #4: Failing to Run Audits in Your Site

Now, while it’s true that Google is working harder than ever to prevent SEO companies from making the mistakes that we’ve mentioned above, it’s still important that you perform site audits to ensure that your content is up to par.

You see, many companies are so focused on creating new content for their website that they forget to check the content that already exists. As such, it’s crucial that you run audits on the content on your website now and then to ensure that it’s up to par.

The Bottom Line: Work with a Digital Marketing Agency to Improve Your Real Estate Firm’s SEO Techniques

If you’re seeking to improve your real estate firm’s SEO techniques, then you should work with a digital marketing agency to ensure that your content is up to par. Now, don’t worry if your site doesn’t seem to be ranking as high as you want it to. Instead, take steps to improve it by hiring a digital marketing agency. 

By doing so, you can ensure that your website is up to par and that it’s receiving the attention it deserves in the SERPs. Not only that, you’ll get to avoid these issues, which is a bonus!

How Can We Help You?

We are a digital marketing agency in St. Louis, and our experts at Framework Pros strive to deliver dynamic marketing that incorporates social media marketing, PPC advertising, and SEO services to boost your visibility in more ways than ever before. Get in touch with us today at 800-893-0567 and see what else we can do to catapult your business ahead in this digital era. 

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