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5 Social Media Practices in Advertising for Real Estate

Social media has become one of the most prominent mediums in the market in catering to a wide variety of brands and services. It has even allowed companies to make a stronger connection to consumers online. Brands typically use this as a medium that enables them to not only promote their services but also to engage with their customers in creating pages and communities that cater to their brand. 

Real estate agencies, in particular, are one of the many industries that can fully utilize the different social media platforms’ accessibility to their potential clients.

Taking advantage of social media networks

When it comes to launching a marketing strategy, many avenues and platforms have made it easier to reach one’s target demographic. Social media platforms make use of paid and sponsored ads, which makes them a viable medium in advertising various brands, such as real estate services.

Unfortunately, a company has to work with a limited marketing budget. This is why businesses need to invest in the right marketing practices that will give them the best results in the industry that they belong in.

In this article, we will share five essential social media marketing practices that will help increase the chances of selling your property:

1. Use the right social media channels

Different brands and businesses are aware of how social media platforms can be an avenue to tap into potential customers in the market. This is why they extend their reach to multiple platforms to ensure that they’re reaching as many demographics as possible. However, the issue with relying on this strategy is that it spreads your marketing efforts too weak and thin by accommodating a wider reach.

Each social media network targets a specific demographic, and it’s up to you to research what your demographic is in targeting prospective real estate buyers. Coordinate with your clients on the specifics of their property and what their target buyers are. Creating a buyer persona will help you narrow down the type of person that you should cater to, depending on their age group, profession, or location.

2. Expand your online presence

When it comes to getting your properties to be seen in social network channels, it can be a challenging first hurdle to gain individual groups and communities’ trust and credibility as a realtor service. It’s most likely that the older and more well-established brands are preferred since they have more experience and time spent on the platform.

Thankfully, digital marketing strategies help aspiring real estate agencies develop their image and reach even if they’re a relatively young company. You can do this by showing consistency in terms of content creation and customer engagement. Instead of merely posting advertisements for properties, you can upload relevant and informational pieces that your potential homebuyers will find valuable.

Different social media platforms have varying demands for ‘consistency’ that will require you to research the best upload times, frequencies, and tactics in optimizing your online presence. Experts recommend business pages on Facebook to post at least eight to ten times a day, while platforms like Instagram are more demanding with the frequency of content posting because of their compact content formats of images and videos.

3.  Diversify your content

Real estate photography has been a staple for realtors to sell their customers’ properties. With the accessibility of faster Internet connectivity, however, online consumers are becoming more welcoming of heavier content formats, such as video tours and live streams.

Video marketing is an excellent way to advertise properties since it can show a more accurate perspective of what a property is like. Launching a stunning video marketing campaign on your clients’ property will give potential buyers a clearer idea of the ins and outs of the property on sale.

The use of customer testimonials and success stories with business partnerships will also help build your brand’s credibility while emotionally engaging with an audience. Learn to make use of multiple content formats so that you can give potential clients a better idea of the quality of service that you provide.

4. Monitor your social media engagement

Unlike email marketing, the strongest advantage of social media networks is that they allow you to respond promptly to questions, posts, and comments. This is why your business pages on social platforms can be used as a customer conversion tool and a customer helpdesk.

Use a social listening tool to keep track of your posts, tags, and keyword targeting strategies to see if there are any positive or negative feedback on your ongoing campaigns. This allows you to observe if users have questions or recommendations concerning your service or transactions.

You should also utilize video streaming options to engage with your subscribers and followers in real-time by providing live house tours or giveaways and discounts. Both Instagram and Facebook have been using its stories and live streaming functions to attract audiences in catching up on their events, promos, and product releases.

5. Make use of your analytics

Keep in mind that the idea and creation of content is only one part of running a marketing campaign, which is why you should prioritize the collection and analysis of your data. With the modernization of automated digital marketing strategies, they can easily help you analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns.

Knowing how to use your campaign’s data won’t only help you build better campaigns in the future, but it can also give you real-time feedback on the effectiveness of your strategies. Social media analytics help brands in making necessary changes and improvements to their content by seeing which types of content have better audience engagement. You’ll also be able to double-check if your content is reaching your target audience.


Embracing the accessibility of modern digital platforms and software is vital in optimizing your business’ performance. This could mean using different social media platforms to your advantage, or using automation on your content calendar scheduling, or using custom software that will help you collect valuable data in tracking the success of your campaign. The best way to launch a successful marketing campaign is by making sure that you’re appropriately using these modern tools at your disposal to optimize your business practices.

Framework Pros is a digital marketing agency in St. Louis that helps businesses manage their advertising efforts. We also provide CMO services that help marketing teams develop their branding strategy. Schedule a consultation with us today to know more about how our expertise can improve your company’s online visibility!

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